Bananas?? Gross!!

Since I started running, I have spent a ridiculous amount of time reading about running and running-related topics. One thing that I really want to make sure is that I am eating/drinking the right things in order to give my body fuel. I have read so many blogs and articles that say that I should be eating bananas. However, I think that bananas are DISGUSTING and I probably haven’t had one in more than 15 years. My solution: to mix up my bananas in a smoothie with LOTS of other fruit in hopes that I won’t taste the banana flavor.


Making smoothies!


I can still taste the banana, but it’s not as bad as it would be to just eat a banana. I also got this awesome Mickey Mouse Club cup which makes me a little more excited to eat a (gross) banana smoothie.

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New Shoes!


How cute are my shoes!? I think I need to name them…

When my bosses invited me to with to the outlets with them yesterday, I immediately told them that I would. I have known that I need to buy new running shoes, and this past week I realized how urgently I needed to do this. I did some reading online about types of shoes, and I talked to Kayla about her shoes so that I would have some information before I walked into the store.

I walked into the Nike store and started wandering through the shoe section, reading as much information about each shoe as I could find. I picked up two pairs to try, and then I saw these. Obviously these were the most ‘loud’ (appearance-wise) as well as the most expensive. After trying all of the shoes on, these felt the best so I went with them. Luckily for me, they were $15 cheaper than they were marked!

When I woke up this morning, I REEEEAAAALLLLLYYY wanted to try running in my shoes. The big snow storm that we were supposed to get last night ended up being a dud, so the roads were actually clear. I was feeling brave, so I decided that I was going to run outside (also, it’s wicked hot at the gym and I don’t really enjoy running there!)

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Outside run—yayyyy!!!

There is still snow left from the blizzard a few weeks ago so I had run on the road most of the time, but I live in a relatively quiet neighborhood so there weren’t really any cars. I will admit, that I probably should have checked the weather before making my decision to run outside (it was cold and raining!) but I think that if I prefer to be outside. If I can get home from work before it gets too dark, I will probably just run outside for now.


The downside to running outside? My new shoes got dirty!

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Disney’s Princess Half-Marathon Weekend!

This morning was the Disney’s Princess Half-Marathon, and I have been reading race updates on my facebook and twitter all morning and wishing that I were there. I am super-excited and I am all the way in Boston, so I can only imagine how exciting it was to actually be there! I am now even more excited to go next year!

Also, I feel the need to give a huge CONGRATS to everyone who ran today—you all are AMAZING!!! See you next year!

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Roommate Kayla Kicked My Bum!

My roommate, Kayla,  has completed coursework to become a personal trainer and now she is just waiting to take her test. She was really excited when I told her about my new running goals, and she offered to help me out if I needed it. When I went to the gym yesterday, I invited her to come along as my ‘free guest.’  I also mentioned to her that I was interested in increasing my leg strength without actually bulking up my already large calves, so she told me that she would think of some ideas.

As we were getting ready to leave for the gym, I noticed that Kayla had a piece of paper folded up in her hand. I asked her what it was and she told me it was a list of everything we were going to do. WOAHHHH—–wait a second! We need a list? That must mean that we are doing a lot! What did I get myself into!?

Kayla definitely designed a very good, very challenging work-out. We did a few weight machines, squats, weighted lunges and some drills. She was tough and she did not let me wimp out on anything, but she was also very positive and supportive (even as I rolled my eyes at her). As sore as I am today, I am excited to continue working with Kayla and being able to see and feel improvements with myself.

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Meet Heather!


Heather and I with some characters from The Incredibles!
October 2012

Heather is a good friend from college, and she was also one of my housemates. She is also a huge Disney fan.

When I had the idea to do a runDisney race, I decided that it was wrong of me to plan any kind of Disney- related adventure without letting her know. I texted her to let her know that I planned on doing (at least) the Princess 5K with my mom and sisters and she loved the idea. She immediately responded and said that she wanted to do it as well, and that she is interested in doing the half-marathon. She also convinced her mom to come with us, which is awesome!

Throughout my entire (2 1/2 week) running adventure, Heather has been nothing but positive and supportive. She lives all the way in Jersey, so we can’t really train together, but we constantly text back and forth to let each other know how we are doing and to provide encouragement.

If you want to read more about Heather and her running adventure, be sure to check out her blog!

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Leg Up the Wall Pose

When I decided to start running, I alsobegan making a list of things that might cause me to lose my motivation. If other people are sore after working out, how sore will I be (considering I did not regularly work out) if I start running? This scared me, and it still does! I spend a lot of time thinking about how to avoid this, and the only thing I can come up with is to stop running. ..NOT AN OPTION!

What I actually did was what any normal person would do, I looked it up on Pinterest. And then I googled it. I found a yoga pose called Legs Up the Wall (also Feet Up the Wall or Viparita Karani) in which you literally lie on the floor with your feet up on the wall! I know, crazy huh?


After running, I complete my normal stretches and then I lay down for this pose. Even on off days, I still do this pose (because I love it!) because it gives my body some more time to cool down and be ready to continue normal life.

Leg Up the Wall is good for your circulation. In my head, that means that it helps all of the tired, nasty blood move out of my legs and back towards my heart where it can get it together. It it also gives my hamstrings just a little more stretch, which just feels gooooooood!

If you want to read more about this pose and its benefits, try reading about itgo here!

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Valentine for Myself


Two posts in one day sure seems like a lot!  No worries, though, it probably won’t happen very often. My last run left me feeling frustrated, and today I wanted more than anything to cheer myself up. I have been working on a couch to 5K program which tells me how many minutes to walk or run each day. Today is the first day that I have gone a whole mile! I have been looking forward to completing a mile since I started (you know, last week). Towards the end of my run today, I knew I was close to reaching my goal so I really pushed myself (and the plan) for the last minute and I finally got my mile.

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New to running. New to blogging.

If you read the title of this post and assumed that I have no clue what I am doing, you would be 100% correct! So please bear with me while I attempt to sort out what I want this blog to be, and to look like. If you have any advice about how to set all of this up, you could be my immediate best friend (which is kind of a big deal!)

I recently decided that I need to get my act together and so I decided to start running. The issue is that I am not a runner (at all). I knew I would need some serious motivation, so when I saw this video about the last place finisher at the Tinkerbell Half-Marathon in Disneyland, I was inspired. If that lady can do it, so can I! And a trip to Disney is the perfect motivation for me! My goal is The Royal Family 5K during the Disney Princess Half-Marathon weekend next February. I started a training program last week, and so far I feel good! Just like blogging,
if you have any advice or words of encouragement, I would love to hear it! Thanks so much, everyone!


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